This beautiful natural stone Buddha is cut from blue howlite. Blue howlite is howlite that has been dyed a very stunning blue colour. It is sometimes classed as turqurenite because of its colour resembling turquoise. Blue howlite has all the properties of undyed howlite. It has the ability to calm your own anger and absorb anger directed at you. Its soothing energy is also said to reduce tension and anxiety and can help still the mind before sleep or meditation. Howlite placed around the bed can relieve insomnia caused by racing thoughts at bedtime. It is said to reduce a tendency to over-criticise, promote selfless behaviour and to encourage patience. It can also help you to become aware of your ambitions and goals and to encourage you to achieve them. In addition, a piece of blue howlite placed by your bed is said to help you remember and understand your dreams. The Buddha is the ultimate symbol of happiness, wealth and good fortune. Buddha's belly is said to signify bountiful wealth and prosperity and by stroking it, it is believed to bring much good luck. The laughing Buddha must always be invited into his new home, resulting in positive Chi bringing great happiness. Always place your Buddha in a position of honour and never on the floor. He can be positioned in any room of the house, place of work or office etc. but avoid bathrooms and toilets. This blue howlite Buddha is 50mm tall and 45mm wide. This is a natural stone product and the shade and/or pattern can vary from stone to stone and from delivery to delivery. We always choose the best quality stones from reputable importers we have met and trust but can’t photograph every piece as they come in and change them as they sell so we try to keep an image on the site that is a good example of that item. If you have any questions regarding a natural stone item please contact us and we will be happy to help.
Product Title -
Blue Howlite Buddha 50mm
Product Item Number - BM38
Packaged/Post Weight - 0.3000 kg