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  • Garden Bird & Wild Animal Care

Our new range of garden bird and wild animal feeders complement your garden whilst also protecting native species in the winter months. Choose a filled feeder, one to fill yourself or simply a shelter for your feathered friends.

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Any 4 for £9.99
This item is part of our 4 for £9.99 offer. Mix and match any 4 products in this offer for only £9.99!

Bring your garden to life with this fantastic easy pour wild bird seed mix which is free flowing so it will not clog your seed feeder. This mix of wild bird seed is ideal for bird tables and ground feeders so let’s get pouring and enjoy the wonderful music of wild birds attracted by this seed mix such as robins, blue tits, green finches, chaffinches, doves and many more! This wild bird seed feeder is recommended by Britain’s leading wild bird research organisation, the British Trust for Ornithology. © Please do not copy text. Avena product description – Seed Bottle Easy Pour 800g.

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Any 3 for £19.99
Included in our 3 for £19.99 offer- Add any 3 items in this offer for only £19.99 (That’s only £6.67 each)

A cute bee themed Gonk!
Dressed in yellow with a yellow and black striped hat, and a fluffy beard, he is sure to put a smile on your face!
Decorate any dull areas of flowerbeds and more with this adorable ceramic ornament.

Made from ceramic.
Measures at 20 x 8cm 

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Any 2 for £19.99
This item is part of our 2 for £19.99 offer. Mix and match any 2 products in this offer for only £19.99!

A set of three small signs for your plant pots or flower beds.
Styles include dark green 'Trespassers will be composted', white 'I don't remember planting this', and bright green 'Free weeds. Pick your own'.

Each sign measures at H9cm x W6.5cm x D0.3cm, and they are made from MDF.

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